At Holy Trinity, we are dedicated to fostering a generation of proficient and safe users of technology. We have meticulously designed a comprehensive Computing curriculum that not only imparts knowledge but also hones vocational skills, preparing our students to navigate the digital landscape with resilience and confidence.
Our curriculum is crafted to instil in our children the ability to critically evaluate emerging technologies. Recognising the importance of staying abreast of technological advancements, we have developed computing facilities to enrich learning outcomes across various subjects.
In line with our commitment to providing a safe learning environment, our Scheme of Work ensures clear progression in technical skills, computer science, and online safety. Children are encouraged to explore the world of technology independently and collaboratively, fostering a sense of responsibility in their digital endeavours.
To facilitate this journey, we utilise Purple Mash and supplement this accordingly. Purple Mash is a dynamic software that captures children's interest immediately. Whether in school or at home, each child is equipped with a personalised login for Purple Mash, which not only offers clear progression from Year 1 to Year 6 but also embeds crucial online safety practices.
Click the logo below to get started with Purple Mash
Information Technology is a cornerstone of our curriculum, with children utilising Chromebooks to create diverse content, including movies, word-processed documents, presentations, spreadsheets, pictograms, storybooks, databases, and animations.
Digital Literacy forms an integral part of our Computing education, guiding our children to stay safe while using technology. From understanding what constitutes a strong password to promoting respectful online behaviour, we empower our students to navigate the digital world responsibly.
At Holy Trinity School, we are not just teaching Computing; we are shaping future-ready digital citizens who are adept, responsible, and confident in their use of technology.